Lisa Curtis is an award-winning social entrepreneur, writer and advocate. She is the Founder & CEO of Kuli Kuli, a regular writer for Forbes, and a thought leader on how women can turn their passions into professions.
Kuli Kuli is the world's leading moringa brand with the highest quality moringa on the market. Moringa is a leafy green more nutritious than kale that provid...
Lisa Curtis partners with local harvesters and female-owned farm cooperatives to bring moringa products to the U.S.
Partners & Collaborators
“Oakland Entrepreneur's Single Promise Turns Into Multi-Million Dollar Food Company.”
- NBC News
“Lisa Curtis discovered moringa as a Peace Corps volunteer. She's turned a superfood into a sustainable company that enriches farmers in the developing world.”
- Inc Magazine
“Lisa’s ability to build an impressive business in a short amount of time speaks to her skills as an entrepreneur.”
- John A. Bryant, former chairman and CEO of Kellogg Company